What is the time and day at Mumbai (73°E) when it is Sunday 10:30 p.m. at Shillong (92°E)?
Latitudes & Longitudes
The difference in longitudes of Mumbai and Shillong is 19°.
The time difference between the two places will be 76 min (19x4) or 1:16 hrs.
Since, Mumbai lies to the west of Shillong, The time at Mumbai will be 1:16 hrs behind Shillong.
So, the time at Mumbai will be 9:14 pm (10:30 pm - 1:16 hrs).
The day will remain Sunday.
Note: All the places in India use IST as reference for time and Mumbai and Shillong both are located in India. Hence, there will be no difference in the time. The time will be the same and day will also be the same for both the places.
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