Computer Science
The WHERE clause in an SQL SELECT command is used to filter individual rows based on specified conditions, such as column values, before any grouping is performed. On the other hand, the HAVING clause is used for filtering groups of rows after grouping has been applied, with aggregate functions like SUM or AVG.
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Which keyword eliminates the redundant data from a query result ?
What is the significance of GROUP BY clause in an SQL query?
Write SQL queries to perform the following based on the table PRODUCT having fields as (prod_id, prod_name, quantity, unit_rate, price, city)
(i) Display those records from table PRODUCT where prod_id is more than 100.
(ii) List records from table PRODUCT where prod_name is 'Almirah'.
(iii) List all those records whose price is between 200 and 500.
(iv) Display the product names whose price is less than the average of price.
(v) Show the total number of records in the table PRODUCT.
Define database.