What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.
Crop Production
The supply of water to crops at regular intervals is called irrigation. The two methods of irrigation which conserve water are:
- Sprinkler System — This system is useful on the uneven land where sufficient water is not available. The perpendicular pipes, having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals. When water is allowed to flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help of a pump, it escapes from the rotating nozzles. It gets sprinkled on the crop as if it is raining. Sprinkler is very useful for lawns, coffee plantation and several other crops
- Drip system — It is more efficient than sprinkler system. The water is taken to plants through a pipe and water is given to plants drop by drop near their root. It is the best technique for watering fruit plants, gardens and trees. Water is not wasted at all. It is a boon in regions where availability of water is poor.
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