Computer Science
What does each of the following expressions evaluate to? Suppose that T is the tuple containing :("These", ["are" , "a", "few", "words"] , "that", "we", "will" , "use")
T[1][0: :2]
"a" in T[1][0]
T[:1] + [1]
T[2][2] in T[1]
Python Tuples
The given expressions evaluate to the following:
['are', 'few']
TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple
('that', 'will')
- T[1] represents first element of tuple i.e., the list ["are" , "a", "few", "words"]. [0 : : 2] creates a list slice starting from element at index zero of the list to the last element including every 2nd element (i.e., skipping one element in between).
- "in" operator is used to check elements presence in a sequence. T[1] represents the list ["are" , "a", "few", "words"]. T[1][0] represents the string "are". Since "a" is present in "are", it returns true.
- T[:1] is a tuple where as [1] is a list. They both can not be concatenated with each other.
- T[2::2] creates a tuple slice starting from element at index two of the tuple to the last element including every 2nd element (i.e., skipping one element in between).
- T[2] represents the string "that". T[2][2] represents third letter of "that" i.e., "a". T[1] represents the list ["are" , "a", "few", "words"]. Since "a" is present in the list, the in operator returns True.
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