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What are the different components of a Word window?

MS Word



The different components of a Word window are as follows:

  1. File tab — On clicking the File tab, we can create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, print a file, and perform many other tasks.
  2. Quick Access Toolbar — The Quick Access Toolbar is located at the upper left corner next to the Word icon. It provides an easy access to the frequently used command buttons. By default, three buttons are present on it which are: Save, Undo, and Redo.
  3. Title bar — Title bar is located at the top of the Word window. It displays the current document and the name of the application in the centre.
  4. Ribbon — Word has a Ribbon which contains eight tabs — File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailing, Review, and View. These tabs have individual groups, and the groups have different icons, which in turn represent different commands.
  5. MS Word Tab Groups — The Tab groups are as follows:
    1. Home: Editing, Styles, Paragraph, Font, Clipboard.
    2. Insert: Illustrations, Tables, Pages, Links,Text, Header & Footer, Symbols, Flash.
    3. Page Layout: Page Background, Paragraph, Page Setup, Themes, Arrange.
    4. References: Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities.
    5. Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write and Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish.
    6. Review: Proofing, Language, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect.
    7. View: Document Views, Show, Zoom, Window, Macros.
  6. Groups in Home tab — Home tab has the following groups — Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing
  7. Work Area — This is the blank area in the document window where we can type, edit, and format the text.
  8. Ruler bars — These bars are present on top and left side of the document. The Vertical Ruler bar formats the vertical alignment of the text. Using the Horizontal Ruler bar, we can modify the indents, margins, tab stops, and page measurement.
  9. Scroll bars — The scroll bars help in navigating through different portions of a document.
  10. Status bar — It is located at the bottom of the Document window. It shows the document's status, and the Proofing error icon indicates errors when clicked. The View buttons and Zoom Slide bar are on the right side.
  11. Zoom Slider — It lets us zoom in or zoom out our document by moving the slider to the percentage zoom setting.

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