Computer Applications
What are the advantages of GUI over CUI?
GUI (Graphical User Interface) | CUI (Character User Interface) |
GUI interface is much attractive and appealing. | CUI interface is relatively less appealing. |
GUI is easier to learn and more user-friendly due to the presence of various graphical elements like icons, menu, buttons, etc. | CUI is a text based interface and hence is not as user friendly as GUI. |
With GUI, a user does not have to learn complicated commands. | A user is required to memorize many commands to operate and control a CUI. |
GUI users have Windows that allow a user to work, view, control, and manipulate multiple programs and folders at the same time. | CUI does not offer the same ease and ability to work with multiple programs at once on one screen. |
GUI supports the use of both a mouse and keyboard to control and navigate through your system. | CUI supports the use of a keyboard only. |
In GUI, the user mostly gets immediate visual feedback of the action he is doing. For example, the user can see immediately that a file is successfully moved from one directory to another. | In CUI, there is no obvious feedback. If we consider the same example, one or more additional commands will have to be issued to confirm the file transfer action. |
In GUI multiple tasks can run simultaneously at a time. | Only one task can be executed at a particular point of time in CUI. |
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