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What are Formatting marks? Why are they used?

MS Word



Word offers the feature of displaying some special characters, called the Formatting marks, in the text document when certain keys are pressed. Some formatting marks are as follows:

  1. Space mark (.) — Dots(.) show how many times the Spacebar key has been used between each word.
  2. Paragraph mark (¶) — This character represents the position where we have used the Enter key.
  3. Line Break (↵) — This character represents the position where we have used Shift+Enter key combination to mark the end of a line
  4. Tab Mark (→) — This character represents the position where we have pressed the Tab key to mark the Tab stops.

Formatting marks are often useful to see when we are working with heavily formatted documents and need to keep track of our tabs, spaces, blank lines and so on.

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