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The set up shown alongside was kept in sunlight for an hour. It was observed that drops of water appeared on the inside surface of the polythene bag.

The set up shown alongside was kept in sunlight for an hour. It was observed that drops of water appeared on the inside surface of the polythene bag. Name the process which is being demonstrated. Why was the pot with its soil left uncovered by the polythene bag? Why was the pot left in sunlight? Suppose that the pot in this experiment was placed inside a dark room instead of placing it in sunlight for some time. What difference would be noticed? Transport in Plants, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 8.

(a) Name the process which is being demonstrated.

(b) Why was the pot with its soil left uncovered by the polythene bag?

(c) Why was the pot left in sunlight?

(d) Suppose that the pot in this experiment was placed inside a dark room instead of placing it in sunlight for some time. What difference would be noticed?

Transport in Plants



(a) Transpiration is being demonstrated here.

(b) The pot and its soil were left uncovered by the polythene bag because in the experiment we need to observe the loss of water occurred by plants. If the pot is covered, the water from the soil may also get evaporated and we will not get accurate results.

(c) In sunlight, the rate of transpiration is faster as the stomata are open to allow inward diffusion of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Hence, the plant was left in sunlight.

(d) If the pot was placed inside a dark room, transpiration will hardly occur as the stomata of the plant are closed. Hence, negligible water droplets will get condensed on the inner side of polythene bag.

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