The selective agent that was responsible for causing the change in peppered moth was :
- Lichens
- Humans
- Birds
- Smoke
Reason — Earlier the light colour winged moths outnumbered dark winged moths as they could escape the predators but after industrialisation the dark winged moths were able to escape the predators while light colour winged moths were preyed upon. Therefore, the smoke acted as selective agent.
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Which of the following is not a vestigial organ ?
- Vermiform appendix
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The first scientist who proposed his theory for evolution was ;
- Darwin
- Lamarck
- Mendel
- Wallace
The theory proposed by Lamarck is :
- Autogenesis theory
- Germplasm theory
- Theory of inheritance of acquired characters
- Theory of abiogenesis
Charles Darwin explained the origin of species through:
- Mutation
- Natural selection
- Acquired characters
- Hybridization