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The probability that a non-leap year has 53 Sundays is :

  1. 1

  2. 17\dfrac{1}{7}

  3. 1365\dfrac{1}{365}

  4. 7365\dfrac{7}{365}




There are 365 days in a non-leap year.

No. of weeks = 3657\dfrac{365}{7} = 52 weeks and 1 day.

Since, there is one sunday in a week, and one week has seven days.

So, in order to have 53 sundays the 1 day that remains should also be sunday.

P(that a non-leap year has 53 sundays)

= No. of favourable outcomesTotal no. of possible outcomes=17\dfrac{\text{No. of favourable outcomes}}{\text{Total no. of possible outcomes}} = \dfrac{1}{7}.

Hence, Option 2 is the correct option.

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