The metallic oxide reduced to metal generally by thermal decomposition.
- ZnO
- MgO
- HgO
- Al2O3
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The chemical name of the main ore of aluminium.
- Aluminium fluoride
- Aluminium oxide
- Sodium aluminium fluoride
- Hydrated aluminium oxide
The process of dressing of the ore which involves separation of ore & gangue due to preferential wetting.
- Magnetic separation
- Hydrolytic method
- Froth flotation method
- Chemical method
Name the following :
(i) A metallic ore converted to it's oxide – iron [II] oxide on heating the concentrated ore.
(ii) A black metallic oxide reduced to metal on heating with coke.
(iii) The compound which on ignition at elevated temperatures gives pure alumina.
(iv) The non-metal which forms the anode during electrolytic reduction of fused alumina in Hall Heroult's process.
(v) A metal other than manganese, present in duralumin but not in magnalium.