The hormone which accelerates senescence (ageing) and abscission of leaves is :
- GA3
- GA1
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The growth movement of plant parts which occurs due to touch stimulus is called:
- Heliotropism
- Chemotropism
- Hydrotropism
- Thigmotropism
The instrument which can be used to demonstrate geotropism is:
- Manometer
- Thermostat
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Match the items in column A with those of column B.
Column A Column B (a) Auxin (i) apical dominance (b) Gibberellin (ii) cell-division (c) Cytokinin (iii) fruit ripening (d) Ethylene (iv) internodal elongation Complete the following sentences:
(a) Growth of root towards water is …………… .
(b) …………… hormone inhibits apical dominance.
(c) …………… and …………… induce chemotropism of angiosperms and gymnosperms.
(d) …………… of sweet peas exhibit thigmotropism.
(e) …………… is also called as "stress hormone".