The flower which contains both stamens and carpels is called as:
- Unisexual
- Pistillate
- Staminate
- Hermaphrodite
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Perianth is the collective term for a group of:
- Sepals
- Tepals
- Bracts
- Petals
The condition of androecium, when, all the stamens are free from each other is termed as :
- Polyadelphous
- Polysepalous
- Polyandrous
- Polypetalous
Match the parts in column A with the flowers or parts of flower in column B.
Column A Column B Polyadelphous Polypetalous Pollen grains Calyx, corolla Free petals Nectar Non-essential Bombax Sweet fragrant fluid Pollen sac Name
- Four whorls of the flower
- Two types of unisexual flowers
- Two main parts of a Stamen
- Three main parts of a Pistil
- Three types of stamens on the basis of their cohesion.