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The figures given below depict a phenomenon of the plants. Study the figure and answer the questions.

The figures depict a phenomenon of the plants. Name and define the phenomenon. Name the structure shown as X and Y in the figure (A) and (B), respectively. Write the functions performed by the structures X and Y. Model Question Paper 1, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(i) Name and define the phenomenon.

(ii) Name the structure shown as X and Y in the figure (A) and (B), respectively.

(iii) Write the functions performed by the structures X and Y.

Chemical Coordination in Plants



(i) Thigmotropism is the phenomenon depicted. It is the directional growth movement of plant parts in response to touch stimulus.

(ii) X → Stem tendril, Y → Leaf tendril

(iii) Stem tendrils (X) and leaf tendrils (Y) enable the plant to climb up a support.

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