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The figure given below is the human female reproductive system. Study the same and answer the following questions.

The figure is the human female reproductive system. Label the guidelines 1 to 6 shown in the figure. The Reproductive System, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Label the guidelines 1 to 6 shown in the figure.

(b) What is the normal gestation period in human ?

(c) Where are the sperms released during coitus ?

(d) Write two important functions of part 2.

(e) Mention the technical term for the fixing of developing zygote to the uterine wall.

Reproductive System



(a) The labelled guidelines are:

  • 1 → Vagina
  • 2 → Ovary
  • 3 → Funnel of Oviduct
  • 4 → Fallopian tube
  • 5 → Uterus
  • 6 → Uterus lining

(b) 280 days

(c) Vagina

(d) Ovary releases egg and produces hormones (oestrogen, progesterone)

(e) Implantation

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