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Computer Science

The code given below accepts a number as an argument and returns the reverse number. Observe the following code carefully and rewrite it after removing all syntax and logical errors. Underline all the corrections made.

define revNumber(num):
    rev = 0
    rem = 0
    While num > 0:
        rem == num % 10
        rev = rev * 10 + rem
        num = num//10
        return rev

Python Control Flow

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def revNumber(num):  #correction 1
    rev = 0
    rem = 0
    while num > 0: #correction 2
        rem = num % 10  #correction 3
        rev = rev * 10 + rem
        num = num // 10
    return rev  #correction 4
  1. correction 1 — The correct keyword to define a function is "def" not "define".
  2. correction 2 — Instead of "While" (capital W) in the while loop, it should be "while" (lowercase w).
  3. correction 3 — The comparison operator "==" in the line rem == num % 10 should be replaced with the assignment operator "=".
  4. correction 4 — Moved the "return" statement outside the while loop to return the reversed number after the loop completes.

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