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Computer Science

Surya is a manager working in a recruitment agency. He needs to manage the records of various candidates. For this, he wants the following information of each candidate to be stored:

  • Candidate_ID – integer
  • Candidate_Name – string
  • Designation – string
  • Experience – float

You, as a programmer of the company, have been assigned to do this job for Surya.

(I) Write a function to input the data of a candidate and append it in a binary file.

(II) Write a function to update the data of candidates whose experience is more than 10 years and change their designation to "Senior Manager".

(III) Write a function to read the data from the binary file and display the data of all those candidates who are not "Senior Manager".

Python File Handling

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import pickle 
def input_candidates(): 
    candidates = [] 
    n = int(input("Enter the number of candidates you want to add: ")) 
    for i in range(n): 
        candidate_id = int(input("Enter Candidate ID: ")) 
        candidate_name = input("Enter Candidate Name: ") 
        designation = input("Enter Designation: ") 
        experience = float(input("Enter Experience (in years): ")) 
        candidates.append([candidate_id, candidate_name, designation, 
    return candidates

candidates_list = input_candidates() 
def append_candidate_data(candidates): 
    with open('candidates.bin', 'ab') as file: 
        for candidate in candidates: 
            pickle.dump(candidate, file) 
    print("Candidate data appended successfully.") 


import pickle 
def update_senior_manager(): 
    updated_candidates = [] 
        with open('candidates.bin', 'rb') as file: 
            while True: 
                    candidate = pickle.load(file) 
                    if candidate[3] > 10:  # If experience > 10 years 
                        candidate[2] = 'Senior Manager' 
                except EOFError:
                    break  # End of file reached 
    except FileNotFoundError: 
        print("No candidate data found. Please add candidates first.") 
    with open('candidates.bin', 'wb') as file: 
        for candidate in updated_candidates: 
            pickle.dump(candidate, file) 
    print("Candidates updated to Senior Manager where applicable.")



import pickle 
def display_non_senior_managers(): 
        with open('candidates.bin', 'rb') as file: 
            while True: 
                    candidate = pickle.load(file) 
                    if candidate[2] != 'Senior Manager':  # Check if not Senior Manager 
                        print(f"Candidate ID: {candidate[0]}") 
                        print(f"Candidate Name: {candidate[1]}") 
                        print(f"Designation: {candidate[2]}") 
                        print(f"Experience: {candidate[3]}") 
                except EOFError: 
                    break  # End of file reached 
    except FileNotFoundError: 
        print("No candidate data found. Please add candidates first.") 

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