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Study the diagrams given below and answer the following questions.

Study the diagrams given below and answer the following questions. Name the structures shown as X and Y in the figures (A) and (B), respectively. Write the functions performed by the structures X and Y. Name the phenomenon depicted and define it. How do the structures X and Y differ from each other? Give examples of the plants which show the said phenomenon. Chemical Coordination in Plants, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the structures shown as X and Y in the figures (A) and (B), respectively.

(b) Write the functions performed by the structures X and Y.

(c) Name the phenomenon depicted and define it.

(d) How do the structures X and Y differ from each other?

(e) Give examples of the plants which show the said phenomenon.

Chemical Coordination in Plants



(a) X → Stem tendrils, Y → Leaf tendrils.

(b) Stem tendrils (X) and leaf tendrils (Y) enable the plant to climb up a support.

(c) Thigmotropism is the phenomenon depicted. It is the growth movement of plant parts in response to touch stimulus.

(d) Stem tendrils (X) arise from the stem while leaf tendrils (Y) arise from the leaf of the plant.

(e) Sweet Pea, Vines and Cuscuta.

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