State with examples the effects of radiations on the human beings and environment.
Pollution Effects
Example of radioactive accident
There was a radioactive accident in 1986 in Chernobyl in the Ukraine. On 26th April, 1986, a reactor at the nuclear power complex at Chernobyl exploded.
There was a massive steam explosion. The core of the reactor combined with water to produce hydrogen which exploded blowing toxic radioactive gases into the air. There were numerous fires. The Chernobyl accident is considered as the most disastrous nuclear power plant accident, both in terms of cost and casualties.
Due to the accident, 237 people suffered from acute radiation sickness, of whom 31 died within the first three months. After the disaster, four square kilometers of pine forest near the reactor turned reddish brown and died, earning the name of the 'Red Forest'. Some animals in the worst hit areas died or stopped reproducing.
Effects of radiations on human health
Radiations affect living organisms. They cause harmful changes in the body cells and at genetic level. Some impacts of radiations on human body are-
- Genetic variations — The damage caused by radiations is often seen in the offsprings and may be transmitted to many generations.
- Somatic variations — Short term exposures to radiation can cause damage to organs of the body. The harm done by them includes breast cancer, thyroid cancer, lung cancer and brain cancer, sterility and defective eyesight.
Effects of radiations on the environment
Radiations emitting from radioactive materials and the disposal of radioactive wastes cause pollution and damage the environment.
The high level products of nuclear wastes remain in the environment for several hundred years. Other radioactive threats to the environment are the accidents connected with the activities of nuclear reactors, nuclear powered vessels and satellites etc.
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