State the type of compounds formed by transfer of valence electrons from one atom to another, and explain the method of formation of the same. State the role of 'cations' and 'anions' in their formation.
Chemical Bonding
The type of compounds formed by transfer of valence electrons from one atom to another are Ionic or Electrovalent compounds.
Atoms of metallic elements that have 1, 2 or 3 valence electrons, can lose electron(s) to atoms of non-metallic elements, which have 7, 6 or 5 electrons respectively in their outermost shell and thereby forming an electrovalent compound.
After the transfer of electron(s) both the combining atoms acquire the electronic configuration of the nearest inert gas.
A metallic atom, which loses electron(s) becomes a positively charged ion and is known as a 'cation' and a non-metallic atom, which gains electrons(s) becomes a negatively charged ion and is known as an 'anion'.
The role of cation and anion is that they are oppositely charged and so they attract each other and form a chemical bond which is known as ionic or electrovalent bond.
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