State the functions of the following:
(a) Association neuron
(b) Myelin sheath
(c) Medullary sheath
(d) Cerebrospinal fluid
Nervous System
(a) Association neuron — Association neurons carry impulses from the motor neuron to the Central Nervous System (CNS) or a nerve cell found entirely within the central nervous system. It acts as a connecting neuron and interconnects the sensory and motor neurons.
(b) Myelin sheath — It acts like an insulation and prevents mixing of impulses in the adjacent axons.
(c) Medullary sheath — It provides insulation and prevents mixing of impulses in the adjacent axons.
(d) Cerebrospinal fluid — It acts like a cushion and protects the brain from shocks.
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(b) Repolarization — Depolarization — Resting (polarsied) (during conduction of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre)
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