State the function of (i) Sodium hydroxide (ii) Cryolite (iii) Fluorspar in the metallurgy of aluminium in Hall Herault's process.
(i) Function of Sodium hydroxide — Sodium hydroxide is added to bauxite ore during purification of bauxite. Bauxite is reacted with a conc. solution of Sodium hydroxide under pressure for 2 hours as a first step in obtaining Al2O3.
The impurities present in bauxite mainly Fe2O3 and SiO2 remain unaffected with conc. NaOH as impurities are not amphoteric.
Bauxite, being amphoteric reacts with the base forming sodium salt [sodium aluminate] and water. Hence, impurities are separated out.
(ii) Addition of Cryolite & Fluorspar
- Lowers the fusion point of the mixture i.e., mixture fuses around 950°C instead of 2050°C.
- Enhances the mobility of the fused mixture by acting as a solvent for the electrolytic mixture.
- Addition of Cryolite enhances the conductivity of the mixture since, pure alumina is almost a non-conductor of electricity.
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Give reasons for the following pertaining to Hall Herault's process.
(i) The fusion temperature of the electrolyte has to be lowered before conducting the electrolytic reduction.
(ii) The constituents of the electrolyte in addition to one part of fused alumina contains three parts of cryolite and one part of fluorspar.
(iii) A layer of powdered coke sprinkled over the electrolytic mixture, protects the carbon electrodes.
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