The reason for the increase in green house effect is the increase in green house gases like carbon dioxide and methane.
Human activities responsible for increase of the carbon dioxide gas in the earth's atmosphere are —
- The burning of fuels, deforestation, transportation and industrial production (particularly cement factories).
- Increase of population (human beings emit nearly 32 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide each year).
- Imbalance of carbon dioxide cycle (the ocean does not absorb full amount of carbon dioxide and plants are not able to change all the carbon dioxide into oxygen).
The increase in concentration of carbon dioxide due to the above human activities is responsible for 60% increase in green house effect.
Apart from this, rice cultivation, animal husbandry, natural gas exploration, burning of bio mass in clearing of forests and leakage in natural gas pipe line have doubled the concentration of methane which is also responsible for the increase in green house effect.