
State one relevant reason for each of the following:

(i) Graphite anode is preferred to platinum in the electrolysis of molten lead bromide.

(ii) Soda lime is preferred to sodium hydroxide in the laboratory preparation of methane.

(iii) Hydrated copper sulphate crystals turn white on heating.

(iv) Concentrated nitric acid appears yellow, when it is left for a while in a glass bottle.

(v) Hydrogen chloride gas fumes in moist air.


ICSE 2020



(i) As graphite is unaffected by the reactive bromine vapours released at the anode hence, a graphite anode is preferred to platinum in the electrolysis of molten lead bromide.

(ii) Sodalime is preferred to sodium hydroxide in the laboratory preparation of methane since it is not deliquescent and does not attack glass.

(iii) The blue coloured hydrous copper sulphate changes to white anhydrous copper sulphate as the water of crystallization is removed on heating.

CuSO4.5H2O ⟶ CuSO4 + 5H2O

(iv) Pure nitric acid [HNO3] is colourless and unstable and decomposes slightly even at ordinary temperatures and in the presence of sunlight.

The decomposition results in formation of reddish brown nitrogen dioxide [NO2] which remains dissolved in the acid thus imparting a slight yellowish brown colour.

(v) Due to the high solubility of HCl gas, it fumes in moist air and forms a mist of droplets of HCl acid.

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