State one appropriate observation for :
(i) Copper sulphide is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.
(ii) A few drops of dil. HCl are added to AgNO3 soln. followed by addition of NH4OH soln.
Hydrogen Chloride
(i) A colourless gas having smell of rotten eggs is given off. The gas evolved is H2S
CuS + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + H2S
(ii) Curdy white precipitate of silver chloride [AgCl] is obtained, which is soluble in excess of NH4OH.
AgNO3 + HCl ⟶ AgCl ↓ + HNO3
AgCl + 2NH4OH ⟶ [Ag(NH3)2Cl)] + 2H2O
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