State giving reasons, in which state or medium does (i) NaCl (ii) HCl gas (iii) NH3 gas conduct electricity.
(i) NaCl will conduct electricity only in fused state or aq. soln. state. This is because the ions Na+ and Cl– are not free but held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction. Hence, it is a bad conductor of electricity in solid state.
(ii) HCl conducts electricity only when it is dissolved in water. When HCl (polar solvent) is added to water, the slightly negatively charged oxygen atom of water exerts an electrostatic pull on positively charged hydrogen ion of HCl. Thus, H+ ions combine with the water, forming hydronium ion and the residual chloride ions remain in water and these ions help in conduction of electricity.
(iii) NH3 gas conducts electricity only when it is dissolved in water. When NH3 gas is dissolved in water it forms NH4OH. As NH4OH is a weak electrolyte, so it ionizes to a small extent to give (NH4+ and OH-) ions and these ions help in conduction of electricity.
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