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State five differences between the characteristics of organic and inorganic compounds. State how organic compounds are classified.

Organic Chemistry



Five differences between the characteristics of organic and inorganic compounds:

CharacteristicOrganic CompoundInorganic Compound
Presence of carbonCarbon is a necessary element in every organic compound.Carbon is not an essential element in inorganic compounds.
Solubility in waterThey generally do not dissolve in water.They generally dissolve in water.
Solubility in organic solventsThey dissolve in organic solvents like alcohol, benzene and chloroform.All inorganic compounds do not dissolve in organic solvents.
Melting and boiling pointThey have low m.p. and b.p. and easily decompose on heating.They have high m.p. and b.p. and usually do not decompose on heating.
BondingThey form covalent bonds.Most of them form ionic bonds.

Classification of organic compounds:

Aliphatic : Open chain compoundsCyclic : Closed chain compounds
Hydrocarbons [compounds containing C & H only]Homocyclic - [only C atoms]
e.g., Aromatic compounds: Benzene
(a) Saturated - Alkanes e.g., EthaneHeterocyclic [C,O,N,S atoms]
e.g., Aromatic compounds - Pyridine
(b) Unsaturated - Alkenes e.g., Ethene,
Alkynes e.g., Ethyne

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