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Select the word/s given below which are required to correctly complete the blanks — [ammonia, ammonium, carbonate, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydronium, hydroxide, precipitate, salt water] :

(i) A solution M turns blue litmus red, so it must contain (i) …………… ions ; another solution O turns red litmus blue and hence, must contain, (ii) …………… ions.

(ii) When solution M and O are mixed together, the prod­ucts will be (iii) …………… and (iv) …………… .

(iii) If a piece of magnesium was put into a solution M,(v) …………… gas would be evolved.

Acids Bases Salts



(i) A solultion M turns blue litmus red, so it must contain (i) hydronium ions ; another solution O turns red litmus blue and hence, must contain, (ii) hydroxide ions.

(ii) When solution M and O are mixed together, the prod­ucts will be (iii) salt and (iv) water.

(iii) If a piece of magnesium was put into a solution M, (v) hydrogen gas would be evolved.

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