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Select the correct word or formula from the same given in bracket :

  1. The substance reacted with conc. HCl and heated to prove that conc. HCl contains Cl2. [PbCl2/PbO2/PbO]
  2. The metal reacted with dil. HCl to prove that dil. HCl contains hydrogen. [Cu/Fe/Ag/Pb]
  3. The gas/es which is/are heavier than air and highly soluble in water. [NH3/HCl/CO2/H2S]
  4. The acid which is not an oxidizing agent. [Conc. HNO3 / Conc. HCl / Conc. H2SO4]
  5. The acid which is not a monobasic acid. [Acetic/Sulphurous/Hydrochloric/Nitric/Formic acid]

Hydrogen Chloride



  1. The substance reacted with conc. HCl and heated to prove that conc. HCl contains Cl2. — PbO2
  2. The metal reacted with dil. HCl to prove that dil. HCl contains hydrogen. — Fe
  3. The gases which are heavier than air and highly soluble in water. — HCl and NH3
  4. The acid which is not an oxidizing agent. — Conc. HCl
  5. The acid which is not a monobasic acid. — Sulphurous acid

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