Computer Science
Rewrite the adjacent code in python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each correction done in the code.
30 = To
for K in range(0,To)
IF k%4 == 0:
print(K * 4)
The corrected code is shown below:
To = 30 # Correction 1
for K in range(0,To): # Correction 2
if K % 4 == 0: # Correction 3
print(K * 4)
else: # Correction 4
print(K+3) # Correction 5
Correction 1 — Variable should be on left side and literals should be on right side.
Correction 2 — Semi-colon was missing in the for loop syntax.
Correction 3 — if statement should be in lower case.
Correction 4 — else statement should be in lower case.
Correction 5 — Full stop should not be there at the end of print function.
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(a) int
(b) float
(c) bool
(d) str
(e) function
(f) list of int
(g) list of str(i)
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