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Computer Applications

Ravi runs the following Java code but encounters an error. Identify the statement causing the issue, correct it, and ensure the output is "Hungry".

char h = 'Y';
if (h == 'y' || 'Y')
    System.out.println("Not Hungry");

Java Conditional Stmts

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char h = 'Y';
if (h == 'y' || h == 'Y') {
} else {
    System.out.println("Not Hungry");

Reason — The problem lies in the condition of the if statement:

if (h == 'y' || 'Y')

The condition 'Y' is invalid because || expects boolean expressions on both sides. 'Y' alone is a char, not a boolean, causing a compilation error.

The statement can be corrected as:

if (h == 'y' || h == 'Y')

Now both sides of || are boolean expressions.

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