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Radiations given out from a source when subjected to an electric field in a direction perpendicular to their path are shown in the diagram. The arrows show the path of the radiation A, B and C. Answer the following question in terms of A, B and C.

Radiations given out from a source when subjected to an electric field in a direction perpendicular to their path are shown in the diagram. The arrows show the path of the radiation A, B and C. Answer the following question in terms of A, B and C. Name the radiation B which is unaffected by the electrostatic field. Why does the radiation C deflect more than A? Which among the three causes the least biological damage externally. Name the radiation which is used in carbon dating. ICSE 2018 Physics Solved Question Paper.

(i) Name the radiation B which is unaffected by the electrostatic field.

(ii) Why does the radiation C deflect more than A?

(iii) Which among the three causes the least biological damage externally.

(iv) Name the radiation which is used in carbon dating.


ICSE 2018



(i) The radiation B i.e., γ radiation is unaffected by the electrostatic field.

(ii) The radiation C is the β radiation which is lighter than radiation A (α radiation).

(iii) The radiation A (i.e., α) causes the least biological damage.

(iv) The radiation C (i.e., β radiation) is used in carbon dating.

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