Penicillin obtained from a fungus is:
- Antibiotic
- Antiseptic
- Antibody
- Antiserum
Related Questions
Name the following:
(i) The process by which root hairs absorb water from the soil.
(ii) The organ which produces urea.
(iii) The kind of lens required to correct Myopia.
(iv) The pituitary hormone which stimulates contraction of uterus during child birth.
(v) The international health organization which educates people in accident prevention.
The prime source of chlorofluorocarbons is:
- Vehicular emissions
- Industrial effluents
- Domestic sewage
- Refrigeration equipments
Marine fish when placed in tap water bursts because of:
- Endosmosis
- Exosmosis
- Diffusion
- Plasmolysis
Surgical method of sterilization in a woman involves cutting and tying of:
- Ureter
- Uterus
- Urethra
- Oviduct