Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest the suitable word/words for the fourth place.
(a) Cones : Iodopsin :: Rods: …………… .
(b) Eyes : Photoreceptors :: Ears : …………… .
(c) Ears : Auditory nerve :: Eyes : …………… .
(d) Ear pinna : Auricle :: Inner ear : …………… .
(e) Semi-circular canal : Ampulla :: Cochlea : …………… .
Sense Organs
(a) Cones : Iodopsin :: Rods: Rhodopsin.
(b) Eyes : Photoreceptors :: Ears : Phonoreceptors.
(c) Ears : Auditory nerve :: Eyes : Optical nerve.
(d) Ear pinna : Auricle :: Inner ear : Membranous labyrinth.
(e) Semi-circular canal : Ampulla :: Cochlea : Basilar membrane.
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(a) The photosensitive pigment present in the rods of the retina.
(b) The part which equalizes the air pressure in the middle and external ear.
(c) The ear ossicle attached to the tympanum.
(d) The tube which connects the cavity of the middle ear with the throat.
(e) The part of the eye responsible for its shape.
(f) The nerves which transmit impulse from ear to the brain.
(g) The photoreceptors found in the retina of the eye.
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Column I Column II Conjunctiva Viral infection Cornea Ciliary body Choroid Spiral-shaped Cochlea Transparent epithelium Conjunctivitis Suspensory ligament Contains melanin Transparent but appears black State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If false, correct them by changing any one single word in each.
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(b) Semicircular canals are concerned with static (positional) balance.