Name the part of the human excretory system where nephrons are found. Write the structure and function of nephrons.
The part of the human excretory system where nephrons are found are Kidneys.
Structure of Nephron — Nephron is the basic filtration unit in the kidney. It consists of a tubule which is connected with a collecting duct at one end and a cup shaped structure at the other end, called Bowman's capsule. Every Bowman's capsule contains a cluster of capillaries called glomerulus within the cup-shaped structure.
Function of Nephron — The blood enters into glomerulus through afferent arteriole of renal artery and leaves it through efferent arteriole. This causes filtration of the blood. Then the filtrate passes into the tubular part of the nephron. Here, useful substances such as glucose, amino acids, salts and some water are re-absorbed into the blood by the capillaries surrounding the nephron tubule. The filtrate which remains after the re-absorption is called the urine, which is collected from nephron by the collecting duct to carry it to the urinary bladder and then to the urethra.
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