Name the following:
(i) End product of starch after digestion.
(ii) The organ where protein digestion begins.
(iii) The organ into which the pancreatic juice and the bile juice are poured.
(iv) The enzyme which digests fat in ileum.
(v) The simplest form of carbohydrates.
(vi) The part of alimentary canal where water from the undigested food is absorbed.
(vii) The end product of protein digestion.
Digestive System
(i) Glucose
(ii) Stomach
(iii) Duodenum
(iv) Lipase
(v) Glucose
(vi) Large intestine
(vii) Amino acid
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Write True or False in the following statements.
(i) Molars help in cutting and tearing food.
(ii) Carbohydrates are digested into glucose.
(iii) Proteins are digested into fatty acids.
Fill in the blanks:
(i) The teeth called …………… are a total of four in number on the sides of incisors.
(ii) …………… is a common opening of food pipe and wind pipe.
(iii) Molars are meant for …………… the food.
(iv) Incisors are used for …………… and …………… the food.
(v) The …………… are used for tearing the food.
(vi) The …………… and …………… are used for crushing and grinding the food.
(vii) In an adult human, there are a total of …………… teeth.
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State whether the following statements are True or False.
Wisdom tooth appears at the age of 5-6 years when the child starts going to school.
The temporary set of teeth includes incisors, canines and premolars only.
The ducts from the salivary glands open into the duodenum.
Saliva changes starch into maltose.