Name the enzyme which digests :
- starch in the mouth
- fats in the ileum
- protein in duodenum
- sucrose in the ileum
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Mention if the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
- Intestinal villi have a lymph vessel called lacteal.
- Intestine is narrow for fast movement of food.
- Large intestine secretes no enzymes.
- Bile neutralizes the acid content of the food received from the stomach.
- Pancreatic juice has enzymes to digest all the major components of food.
- The anus is surrounded by circular muscles.
Name the following :
- The three subdivisions of the small intestine.
- The three subdivisions of the large intestine.
What are the end-products of digestion of :
- Proteins
- Fats
- Starch
- Sucrose
Fill in the blanks.
- Liver stores glucose as …………… .
- Liver produces …………… only in embryo.
- Urea is produced in …………… by the deamination of extra…………… .
- For testing the action of saliva on starch, the material has to be kept at a temperature of about …………… °C.