Name a machine for each of the following use —
(a) to multiply the force,
(b) to change the point of application of force,
(c) to change the direction of force,
(d) to obtain the gain in speed.
(a) In order to multiply the force — a bar is used to lift a heavy stone.
(b) In order to change the point of application of force — The rear wheel of a cycle is rotated by applying the effort on the pedal attached to the toothed wheel which is joined to the rear wheel with the help of a chain.
(c) In order to change the direction of force — to lift a bucket full of water from the well, a single fixed pulley is used by applying the effort in the downward direction instead of applying it upwards when the bucket is lifted up without the use of pulley.
(d) In order to obtain gain in speed — A knife. The blade of a knife moves longer by a small displacement of its handle.
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