Mention the class of vertebrates against each.
- Crocodile
- Penguin
- Toad
- Shark
- Whale
- Bat
- House lizard
Related Questions
Name the phyllum of each of the following invertebrates
Animals Phyllum Leech Hydra Tapeworm Sea cucumber Sponge Roundworm Scorpion Slug Centipede Butterfly Listed below are eleven characteristics (i-xi) in Column I and the five classes (a-e) of Chordata in Column II. Match at least two characteristics with each class.
Column I
(Characteristics)Column II
(Classes)Three chambered heart Pisces Feathers Two-chambered heart Eardrum in a pit Amphibia Scales External ears Gills Reptilia Moist skin Horny scales on Skin Homeothermal Aves Testes in scrotum Mammalia The animals (Kingdom Animalia) are mainly grouped under two categories
- bilaterally symmetrical and radially symmetrical
- coelomate and acoelomate
- aquatic and terrestrial
- vertebrates and invertebrates
Which one of the following examples does not come under the particular group?
- Mushroom, Yeast, Fern — Fungi
- Paramecium, Euglena, Sponge — Protista
- Starfish, Roaches, Dogfish — Pisces
- Bat, Parrot, Oyster — Vertebrates