
Look at the pictures given below and answer the following questions:

Identify this structure. In which part of the plant is it found? What is its function? Name the parts labelled as A and B. How is Figure 1 different from Figure 2? Respiration in Plants, Living Science Biology Ratna Sagar Solutions ICSE Class 7.
  1. Identify this structure.
  2. In which part of the plant is it found?
  3. What is its function?
  4. Name the parts labelled as A and B.
  5. How is Figure 1 different from Figure 2?

Plants Respiration



  1. The given structure is of Stomata.
  2. It is found in leaves and green young stems.
  3. The function of stomata is exchange of gases and regulation of rate of transpiration.
  4. The parts labelled as A and B are:
    A → Guard Cells
    B → Stomatal Opening

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