Look at Fig. 14(a). Do you think that the people living in any of these regions thought of themselves as Italians?
Examine Fig. 14(b). Which was the first region to become a part of unified Italy? Which was the last region to join? In which year did the largest number of states join?

Europe Nationalism
The Italian language had not acquired one common form and still had many regional and local variations. Also the Italian population, among whom rates of illiteracy were very high, remained unaware of liberal nationalist ideology. The peasant masses who had supported Garibaldi in southern Italy had never heard of Italia, and believed that ‘La Talia’ was Victor Emmanuel’s wife! This shows that the people living in these regions did not thought of themselves as Italians.
The first regions to become a part of unified Italy in 1858 were Savoy Sardinia followed by the Northern states. The last region to join was the Papal State in 1870. The largest number of states joined in 1860.
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