Computer Science
Is the working of in operator and tuple.index( ) same ?
Python Tuples
Both in operator and tuple.index( ) can be used to search for an element in the tuple but their working it is not exactly the same.
The "in" operator returns true or false whereas tuple.index() searches for a element for the first occurrence and returns its position. If the element is not found in tuple or the index function is called without passing any element as a parameter then tuple.index( ) raises an error:
For Example:-
tuple = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
print(3 in tuple) ⇒ True
print(4 in tuple) ⇒ False
print(tuple.index(3)) ⇒ 1
print(tuple.index(2)) ⇒ Error
ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple
print(tuple.index()) ⇒ Error
TypeError: index expected at least 1 argument, got 0
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