Computer Science
INSERT INTO Customer (Cust_ID, Cust_Name, Cust_Address1, Cust_Address2, Pincode, Cust_Phone, Email, CustomerIncomeGroup)
(11, 'Amit', '1st Main Street', 'Mumbai', 12345, '5551234121', '', 'High'),
(24, 'Vidya', '4th Main Street', 'Bangalore', 54321, '5234325678', '', 'Medium'),
(39, 'Amruta', '78th Main Street', 'Goa', 98765, '5976539012', '', 'Low');
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Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR and size 30 to the table Customer.
Add one more column CustomerIncomeGroup of datatype VARCHAR(10).
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Create table Department as per following Table Instance Chart.
Column Name DeptID DeptName Key Type Primary Nulls/Unique NOT NULL Datatype NUMBER VARCHAR Length 2 20