Computer Science
Table employee
ID | First_Name | Last_Name | User_ID | Salary |
1 | Dim | Joseph | Jdim | 5000 |
2 | Jaganath | Mishra | jnmishra | 4000 |
3 | Siddharth | Mishra | smishra | 8000 |
4 | Shankar | Giri | sgiri | 7000 |
5 | Gautam | Buddha | bgautam | 2000 |
UPDATE employee
SET Salary = (Salary * 0.1) + Salary ;
To view all the details (all columns and rows) of the "employee" table the below query is executed :
SELECT * FROM employee ;
| ID | First_Name | Last_Name | User_ID | Salary |
| 1 | Dim | Joseph | Jdim | 5500 |
| 2 | Jaganath | Mishra | jnmishra | 4400 |
| 3 | Siddharth | Mishra | smishra | 8800 |
| 4 | Shankar | Giri | sgiri | 7700 |
| 5 | Gautam | Buddha | bgautam | 2200 |
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