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In the following diagram, the position of the needle is shown on the scale of a voltmeter. The least count of the voltmeter and the reading shown by it respectively are :

In the following diagram, the position of the needle is shown on the scale of a voltmeter. The least count of the voltmeter and the reading shown by it respectively are. CBSE 2023 Science Class 10 Question Paper Solved.
  1. 0.15 V and 1.6 V
  2. 0.05 V and 1.6 V
  3. 0.15 V and 1.8 V
  4. 0.05 V and 1.8 V

Current Electricity



0.15 V and 1.8 V

Reason — Least count of any scale is the value measured by a single division on it.

10 div = 1.5 V

So, 1 div = 1.510\dfrac{1.5}{10} = 0.15 V

Hence, least count = 0.15 V

Reading shown = least count x no. of div. = 0.15 x 12 = 1.8 V

Hence, Reading shown = 1.8 V

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