
In parallelogram ABCD, side AB is greater than side BC and P is a point in AC such that PB bisects angle B. Prove that P is equidistant from AB and BC.




Steps of construction:

  1. Draw a parallelogram such that AB > BC.

  2. Join AC the diagonal of parallelogram.

  3. Draw BX, the angle bisector of ∠ABC and let it intersect AC at P.

  4. From P, draw PL ⊥ AB and PM ⊥ BC.

In parallelogram ABCD, side AB is greater than side BC and P is a point in AC such that PB bisects angle B. Prove that P is equidistant from AB and BC. Loci, Concise Mathematics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

In ∆PLB and ∆PMB,

⇒ ∠PLB = ∠PMB [Each 90°]

⇒ ∠PBL = ∠PBM [As BX is angle bisector of ABC.]

⇒ PB = PB [Common]

∴ ∆PLB ≅ ∆PMB by AAS axiom.

∴ PL = PM

Hence, proved that P is equidistant from AB and BC.

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