In India, rural to urban and urban to rural migration is important because rural to urban population provides labour to the industries in the urban areas. This labour sends remittances to their family in the rural areas and hence help in rural development.
Also, when people move from urban to rural areas, they bring new ideas with them. At times, the industrialists move to rural areas to set up factories, which provide employment to the rural people and help in raising their standard of living.
Related Questions
What does emigration mean? In what way it affects the country from where the migrants come?
The trend of brain drain is considered a problem in the developing countries.
Migration has positive impact on the home country.
Tick the factors which make you leave your home city or country —
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Climate
- Geographical location
- Famine
- Unsafe social situation
- Poor housing and services
- Poor educational standards
- Racial discrimination
- No job prospects
- Any other