In each of the following cases, where must an object be placed in front of a convex lens so that the image formed is,
(a) at infinity,
(b) of same size as the object,
(c) inverted and enlarged,
(d) upright and enlarged?
Refraction Lens
(a) In order to form the image at infinity, the object should be placed at focus, in front of a convex lens.
(b) In order to form the image of same size as the object, the object should be placed at 2F, in front of a convex lens.
(c) In order to form an inverted and enlarged image, the object should be placed between F and 2F, in front of a convex lens.
(d) In order to form an upright and enlarged image, the object should be placed between optical centre and focus, in front of a convex lens.
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