In a vernier callipers, there are 10 divisions on the vernier scale and 1 cm on the main scale is divided in 10 parts. While measuring a length, the zero of the vernier lies just ahead of 1.8 cm mark and 4th division of vernier coincides with a main scale division.
Find the length
If zero of vernier callipers is -0.02cm, what is the correct length?
(i) As we know,
Total number of divisions on the vernier scale (n) = 10
Value of one main scale division (x) = 1 mm
Coinciding division = 4
Substituting the values in the formula above we get,
Hence, least count of the vernier callipers is 0.01 cm.
As we know,
Hence, Vernier scale reading is 0.04 cm.
Main scale reading of the vernier callipers = 1.8 cm
Hence, the length is 1.84 cm.
(b) As we know,
zero error is -0.02cm,
Substituting the values in the formula above we get,
Hence, the correct length is 1.86 cm.
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