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Imagine you were sitting in the balcony of a seaside resort, when you suddenly noticed waves rising high in the sky. Suddenly there was a surge in the height of the waves and they turned into a tsunami. What could have caused this tsunami and what were its consequences.




A tsunami can be caused by:

  1. Underwater earthquakes — When an earthquake occurs on the ocean floor, it can create powerful waves that can travel long distances and cause a tsunami.
  2. Underwater landslides — A large landslide on the ocean floor can also displace a significant amount of water and create a tsunami.
  3. Volcanic eruptions — A volcanic eruption that occurs underwater can also cause a tsunami.

The consequences of a tsunami can be severe:

  1. Flooding — A tsunami can cause extensive flooding in low-lying areas, leading to significant damage to infrastructure and loss of life.
  2. Destruction of buildings and homes — The force of the tsunami waves can cause significant damage to buildings and homes, leaving people homeless and without access to essential services.
  3. Loss of life and property— Tsunamis can be deadly, causing the loss of life. It also affects industries such as tourism, fishing, and agriculture.

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